Australian Bush Fringed Violet 15ml


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Fringed Violet is for treating damage to the aura where there has been shock, grief or distress e.g. from abuse or assault. This remedy maintains psychic protection and is excellent for people who are drained by others or those who unconsciously absorb the physical and emotional imbalances of others. It releases shock from the body. When used in combination with Flannel Flower or Wisteria it is beneficial for those who have suffered abuse.

Negative Condition:

  • damage to aura 
  • distress 
  • lack of psychic protection

Positive Outcome:

  • removal of effects of recent or old distressing events 
  • heals damage to aura 
  • psychic protection

Seven drops of stock are added to a bottle up to 30 millilitres (or 1 ounce) in size, that is filled with a mixture of two thirds (2/3) purified water and one third (1/3) brandy. This is called a "dose" bottle and the recommended dose is seven drops under the tongue on rising and retiring for two to four weeks. Several essences can be combined in the one bottle but it is generally suggested that the number of Essences combined be limited to a maximum of four or five and all address the same theme.